Admissions Enquiries: +971 4 348 3314

Term Dates

Academic Calendar 2024-25

Winter Term
A-Level Results DayThursday 15th August
Induction - New StaffFriday 16th - Sunday 18th August
All Staff ReturnMonday 19th August
GCSE Results DayThursday 22nd August
Moving In Morning (New Students Only)Monday 26th August
Term 1 Starts - All StudentsTuesday 27th August
Prophet's Birthday*Sunday 15th September*
Half TermMonday 14th - Friday 18th October
Commemoration Day*Sunday 1st December*
National Day*Monday 2nd - Tuesday 3rd December*
End of TermFriday 13th December
Spring Term
Term StartsMonday 6th January 2025
Half Term (3 Days)Monday 10th - Wednesday 12th February
Ramadan begins*Thursday 27th February (evening)
End of TermFriday 21st March
Summer Term
Term StartsMonday 7th April
Eid Al-Adha*Thursday 5th - Friday 6th June
Islamic New Year*Thursday 26th June
Last day of Academic YearFriday 27th June

*Dates are provisional and may change. Government holidays are tentative and depend on official announcements. Please refrain from making any travel plans until you receive confirmation from the school.

Horizon International School

Admissions:+971 4 348 3314